
31 oct. 2023

The Arts Society Menorca

El passat dijous, els alumnes dels nivells avançats d'anglès (C1.1, C1,2 i C2) vàrem gaudir de la xerrada en anglès "Mad Men and Artists: How the Advertising Industry Exploited Fine Art" organitzada per "The Arts Society Menorca". Va ser fascinant conèixer com l'art ha proporcionat divers material per múltiples  campanyes de publicitat. La xerrada a càrrec de Tom Rawlins, qui va contar la seva experiència  per la marca Guinnes i altres agències publicitàries del Regne Unit, va ser una oportunitat idònia per escoltar la llengua en viu dins un context captivador.


Last Thursday the students of the advanced English courses (C1.1, C1.2 and C2) experienced acompelling and amusing lecture entitled "Mad Men and Artists: how the advertising industry exploited art", organised by the Arts Society Menorca. Tony Rawlins, who shared his experiences in advertising campaigns for Guinness and other British brands, explained how the fine arts have provided advertisers and their agencies with a wealth of material for their creative campaigns. It proved to be an excellent opportunity for language immersion in a captivating context.

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